Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood... NOT!

Today a couple of the older children in the neighborhood came over and invited Alivia to play with them. Allegedly one or more of the children noticed that she had to go to the bathroom while they were playing and "encouraged" her to pull down her pants and go in the backyard. When Alivia told me about this and one of the children confirmed it, I was seriously upset and decided to go talk to the parents of the other kids. I approached them calmly, but immediately got placed on the defensive by the parents saying it was my fault because I allowed her to play with the older kids without me being there to supervise. One of the moms even said she had made a point of telling her son that "Alivia should still be treated like a human even though she is disabled."

Is it wrong of me to expect these parents to teach their children not to take advantage of those who are weaker than them or less socially developed than them or younger than them? I don't expect them (neither the other kids or their parents) to take responsibility for Alivia when she is playing with them. But I am flabbergasted by the complete lack of empathy these seemingly educated parents show to my daughter and apparently condone in their children. 

To say that she should be "treated like a human"? Dear God, that in itself that implies that they believe she is something less than human. Honestly, it makes me question their humanity. 

My lease is up in nine months. I can't wait to move...


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